Line Flow Count Block(s) Source
1 - /*
2 - * GIT - The information manager from hell
3 - *
4 - * Copyright (C) Linus Torvalds, 2005
5 - */
6 -
7 - #include "common.h"
8 -
9 - #ifndef GIT_WIN32
10 - #include <sys/time.h>
11 - #endif
12 -
13 - #include "util.h"
14 - #include "cache.h"
15 - #include "posix.h"
16 -
17 - #include <ctype.h>
18 - #include <time.h>
19 -
20 - typedef enum {
21 - DATE_NORMAL = 0,
25 - DATE_ISO8601,
26 - DATE_RFC2822,
28 - } date_mode;
29 -
30 - /*
31 - * This is like mktime, but without normalization of tm_wday and tm_yday.
32 - */
33 27 2 static git_time_t tm_to_time_t(const struct tm *tm)
34 - {
35 - static const int mdays[] = {
36 - 0, 31, 59, 90, 120, 151, 181, 212, 243, 273, 304, 334
37 - };
38 27 2 int year = tm->tm_year - 70;
39 27 2 int month = tm->tm_mon;
40 27 2 int day = tm->tm_mday;
41 -
42 27 2,3 if (year < 0 || year > 129) /* algo only works for 1970-2099 */
43 4 4 return -1;
44 23 5,6 if (month < 0 || month > 11) /* array bounds */
45 ##### 7 return -1;
46 23 8,9 if (month < 2 || (year + 2) % 4)
47 10 10 day--;
48 23 11-13 if (tm->tm_hour < 0 || tm->tm_min < 0 || tm->tm_sec < 0)
49 11 14 return -1;
50 12 15 return (year * 365 + (year + 1) / 4 + mdays[month] + day) * 24*60*60UL +
51 12 15 tm->tm_hour * 60*60 + tm->tm_min * 60 + tm->tm_sec;
52 - }
53 -
54 - static const char *month_names[] = {
55 - "January", "February", "March", "April", "May", "June",
56 - "July", "August", "September", "October", "November", "December"
57 - };
58 -
59 - static const char *weekday_names[] = {
60 - "Sundays", "Mondays", "Tuesdays", "Wednesdays", "Thursdays", "Fridays", "Saturdays"
61 - };
62 -
63 -
64 -
65 - /*
66 - * Check these. And note how it doesn't do the summer-time conversion.
67 - *
68 - * In my world, it's always summer, and things are probably a bit off
69 - * in other ways too.
70 - */
71 - static const struct {
72 - const char *name;
73 - int offset;
74 - int dst;
75 - } timezone_names[] = {
76 - { "IDLW", -12, 0, }, /* International Date Line West */
77 - { "NT", -11, 0, }, /* Nome */
78 - { "CAT", -10, 0, }, /* Central Alaska */
79 - { "HST", -10, 0, }, /* Hawaii Standard */
80 - { "HDT", -10, 1, }, /* Hawaii Daylight */
81 - { "YST", -9, 0, }, /* Yukon Standard */
82 - { "YDT", -9, 1, }, /* Yukon Daylight */
83 - { "PST", -8, 0, }, /* Pacific Standard */
84 - { "PDT", -8, 1, }, /* Pacific Daylight */
85 - { "MST", -7, 0, }, /* Mountain Standard */
86 - { "MDT", -7, 1, }, /* Mountain Daylight */
87 - { "CST", -6, 0, }, /* Central Standard */
88 - { "CDT", -6, 1, }, /* Central Daylight */
89 - { "EST", -5, 0, }, /* Eastern Standard */
90 - { "EDT", -5, 1, }, /* Eastern Daylight */
91 - { "AST", -3, 0, }, /* Atlantic Standard */
92 - { "ADT", -3, 1, }, /* Atlantic Daylight */
93 - { "WAT", -1, 0, }, /* West Africa */
94 -
95 - { "GMT", 0, 0, }, /* Greenwich Mean */
96 - { "UTC", 0, 0, }, /* Universal (Coordinated) */
97 - { "Z", 0, 0, }, /* Zulu, alias for UTC */
98 -
99 - { "WET", 0, 0, }, /* Western European */
100 - { "BST", 0, 1, }, /* British Summer */
101 - { "CET", +1, 0, }, /* Central European */
102 - { "MET", +1, 0, }, /* Middle European */
103 - { "MEWT", +1, 0, }, /* Middle European Winter */
104 - { "MEST", +1, 1, }, /* Middle European Summer */
105 - { "CEST", +1, 1, }, /* Central European Summer */
106 - { "MESZ", +1, 1, }, /* Middle European Summer */
107 - { "FWT", +1, 0, }, /* French Winter */
108 - { "FST", +1, 1, }, /* French Summer */
109 - { "EET", +2, 0, }, /* Eastern Europe */
110 - { "EEST", +2, 1, }, /* Eastern European Daylight */
111 - { "WAST", +7, 0, }, /* West Australian Standard */
112 - { "WADT", +7, 1, }, /* West Australian Daylight */
113 - { "CCT", +8, 0, }, /* China Coast */
114 - { "JST", +9, 0, }, /* Japan Standard */
115 - { "EAST", +10, 0, }, /* Eastern Australian Standard */
116 - { "EADT", +10, 1, }, /* Eastern Australian Daylight */
117 - { "GST", +10, 0, }, /* Guam Standard */
118 - { "NZT", +12, 0, }, /* New Zealand */
119 - { "NZST", +12, 0, }, /* New Zealand Standard */
120 - { "NZDT", +12, 1, }, /* New Zealand Daylight */
121 - { "IDLE", +12, 0, }, /* International Date Line East */
122 - };
123 -
124 648 2 static size_t match_string(const char *date, const char *str)
125 - {
126 648 2 size_t i = 0;
127 -
128 711 2,11,12 for (i = 0; *date; date++, str++, i++) {
129 710 3 if (*date == *str)
130 27 4 continue;
131 683 5 if (toupper(*date) == toupper(*str))
132 36 6 continue;
133 647 7,8 if (!isalnum(*date))
134 3 9 break;
135 644 10 return 0;
136 - }
137 4 13 return i;
138 - }
139 -
140 7 2 static int skip_alpha(const char *date)
141 - {
142 7 2 int i = 0;
143 - do {
144 30 3 i++;
145 30 3,4 } while (isalpha(date[i]));
146 7 5 return i;
147 - }
148 -
149 - /*
150 - * Parse month, weekday, or timezone name
151 - */
152 7 2 static size_t match_alpha(const char *date, struct tm *tm, int *offset)
153 - {
154 - unsigned int i;
155 -
156 91 2,6,7 for (i = 0; i < 12; i++) {
157 84 3 size_t match = match_string(date, month_names[i]);
158 84 4 if (match >= 3) {
159 ##### 5 tm->tm_mon = i;
160 ##### 5 return match;
161 - }
162 - }
163 -
164 56 8,12,13 for (i = 0; i < 7; i++) {
165 49 9 size_t match = match_string(date, weekday_names[i]);
166 49 10 if (match >= 3) {
167 ##### 11 tm->tm_wday = i;
168 ##### 11 return match;
169 - }
170 - }
171 -
172 315 14,21,22 for (i = 0; i < ARRAY_SIZE(timezone_names); i++) {
173 308 15 size_t match = match_string(date, timezone_names[i].name);
174 308 16,17 if (match >= 3 || match == strlen(timezone_names[i].name)) {
175 ##### 18 int off = timezone_names[i].offset;
176 -
177 - /* This is bogus, but we like summer */
178 ##### 18 off += timezone_names[i].dst;
179 -
180 - /* Only use the tz name offset if we don't have anything better */
181 ##### 18 if (*offset == -1)
182 ##### 19 *offset = 60*off;
183 -
184 ##### 20 return match;
185 - }
186 - }
187 -
188 7 23,24 if (match_string(date, "PM") == 2) {
189 ##### 25 tm->tm_hour = (tm->tm_hour % 12) + 12;
190 ##### 25 return 2;
191 - }
192 -
193 7 26,27 if (match_string(date, "AM") == 2) {
194 ##### 28 tm->tm_hour = (tm->tm_hour % 12) + 0;
195 ##### 28 return 2;
196 - }
197 -
198 - /* BAD */
199 7 29 return skip_alpha(date);
200 - }
201 -
202 19 2 static int is_date(int year, int month, int day, struct tm *now_tm, time_t now, struct tm *tm)
203 - {
204 19 2-5 if (month > 0 && month < 13 && day > 0 && day < 32) {
205 15 6 struct tm check = *tm;
206 15 6-8 struct tm *r = (now_tm ? &check : tm);
207 - time_t specified;
208 -
209 15 9 r->tm_mon = month - 1;
210 15 9 r->tm_mday = day;
211 15 9 if (year == -1) {
212 2 10 if (!now_tm)
213 ##### 11 return 1;
214 2 12 r->tm_year = now_tm->tm_year;
215 - }
216 13 13,14 else if (year >= 1970 && year < 2100)
217 13 15 r->tm_year = year - 1900;
218 ##### 16,17 else if (year > 70 && year < 100)
219 ##### 18 r->tm_year = year;
220 ##### 19 else if (year < 38)
221 ##### 20 r->tm_year = year + 100;
222 - else
223 ##### 21 return 0;
224 15 22 if (!now_tm)
225 ##### 23 return 1;
226 -
227 15 24 specified = tm_to_time_t(r);
228 -
229 - /* Be it commit time or author time, it does not make
230 - * sense to specify timestamp way into the future. Make
231 - * sure it is not later than ten days from now...
232 - */
233 15 25 if (now + 10*24*3600 < specified)
234 4 26 return 0;
235 11 27 tm->tm_mon = r->tm_mon;
236 11 27 tm->tm_mday = r->tm_mday;
237 11 27 if (year != -1)
238 9 28 tm->tm_year = r->tm_year;
239 15 29,30 return 1;
240 - }
241 4 31 return 0;
242 - }
243 -
244 18 2 static size_t match_multi_number(unsigned long num, char c, const char *date, char *end, struct tm *tm)
245 - {
246 - time_t now;
247 - struct tm now_tm;
248 - struct tm *refuse_future;
249 - long num2, num3;
250 -
251 18 2 num2 = strtol(end+1, &end, 10);
252 18 3 num3 = -1;
253 18 3-5 if (*end == c && isdigit(end[1]))
254 16 6 num3 = strtol(end+1, &end, 10);
255 -
256 - /* Time? Date? */
257 18 7 switch (c) {
258 - case ':':
259 5 8 if (num3 < 0)
260 ##### 9 num3 = 0;
261 5 10-14 if (num < 25 && num2 >= 0 && num2 < 60 && num3 >= 0 && num3 <= 60) {
262 5 15 tm->tm_hour = num;
263 5 15 tm->tm_min = num2;
264 5 15 tm->tm_sec = num3;
265 5 15 break;
266 - }
267 ##### 16 return 0;
268 -
269 - case '-':
270 - case '/':
271 - case '.':
272 13 17 now = time(NULL);
273 13 18 refuse_future = NULL;
274 13 18,19 if (p_gmtime_r(&now, &now_tm))
275 13 20 refuse_future = &now_tm;
276 -
277 13 21 if (num > 70) {
278 - /* yyyy-mm-dd? */
279 11 22,23 if (is_date(num, num2, num3, refuse_future, now, tm))
280 9 24 break;
281 - /* yyyy-dd-mm? */
282 2 25,26 if (is_date(num, num3, num2, refuse_future, now, tm))
283 ##### 27 break;
284 - }
285 - /* Our eastern European friends say[yy]
286 - * is the norm there, so giving precedence to
287 - * mm/dd/yy[yy] form only when separator is not '.'
288 - */
289 4 28,30 if (c != '.' &&
290 4 29 is_date(num3, num, num2, refuse_future, now, tm))
291 2 31 break;
292 - /* European[yy] or funny US dd/mm/yy[yy] */
293 2 32,33 if (is_date(num3, num2, num, refuse_future, now, tm))
294 ##### 34 break;
295 - /* Funny European mm.dd.yy */
296 2 35,37 if (c == '.' &&
297 ##### 36 is_date(num3, num, num2, refuse_future, now, tm))
298 ##### 38 break;
299 2 39 return 0;
300 - }
301 16 40 return end - date;
302 - }
303 -
304 - /*
305 - * Have we filled in any part of the time/date yet?
306 - * We just do a binary 'and' to see if the sign bit
307 - * is set in all the values.
308 - */
309 ##### 2 static int nodate(struct tm *tm)
310 - {
311 ##### 2 return (tm->tm_year &
312 ##### 2 tm->tm_mon &
313 ##### 2 tm->tm_mday &
314 ##### 2 tm->tm_hour &
315 ##### 2 tm->tm_min &
316 ##### 2 tm->tm_sec) < 0;
317 - }
318 -
319 - /*
320 - * We've seen a digit. Time? Year? Date?
321 - */
322 17 2 static size_t match_digit(const char *date, struct tm *tm, int *offset, int *tm_gmt)
323 - {
324 - size_t n;
325 - char *end;
326 - unsigned long num;
327 -
328 17 2 num = strtoul(date, &end, 10);
329 -
330 - /*
331 - * Seconds since 1970? We trigger on that for any numbers with
332 - * more than 8 digits. This is because we don't want to rule out
333 - * numbers like 20070606 as a YYYYMMDD date.
334 - */
335 17 3-5 if (num >= 100000000 && nodate(tm)) {
336 ##### 6 time_t time = num;
337 ##### 6,7 if (p_gmtime_r(&time, tm)) {
338 ##### 8 *tm_gmt = 1;
339 ##### 8,9 return end - date;
340 - }
341 - }
342 -
343 - /*
344 - * Check for special formats: num[-.:/]num[same]num
345 - */
346 17 10 switch (*end) {
347 - case ':':
348 - case '.':
349 - case '/':
350 - case '-':
351 13 11,12 if (isdigit(end[1])) {
352 13 13 size_t match = match_multi_number(num, *end, date, end, tm);
353 13 14 if (match)
354 13 15 return match;
355 - }
356 - }
357 -
358 - /*
359 - * None of the special formats? Try to guess what
360 - * the number meant. We use the number of digits
361 - * to make a more educated guess..
362 - */
363 4 16 n = 0;
364 - do {
365 5 17 n++;
366 5 17,18 } while (isdigit(date[n]));
367 -
368 - /* Four-digit year or a timezone? */
369 4 19 if (n == 4) {
370 ##### 20-22 if (num <= 1400 && *offset == -1) {
371 ##### 22 unsigned int minutes = num % 100;
372 ##### 22 unsigned int hours = num / 100;
373 ##### 22 *offset = hours*60 + minutes;
374 ##### 23,24 } else if (num > 1900 && num < 2100)
375 ##### 25 tm->tm_year = num - 1900;
376 ##### 26 return n;
377 - }
378 -
379 - /*
380 - * Ignore lots of numerals. We took care of 4-digit years above.
381 - * Days or months must be one or two digits.
382 - */
383 4 27 if (n > 2)
384 ##### 28 return n;
385 -
386 - /*
387 - * NOTE! We will give precedence to day-of-month over month or
388 - * year numbers in the 1-12 range. So 05 is always "mday 5",
389 - * unless we already have a mday..
390 - *
391 - * IOW, 01 Apr 05 parses as "April 1st, 2005".
392 - */
393 4 29-31 if (num > 0 && num < 32 && tm->tm_mday < 0) {
394 4 32 tm->tm_mday = num;
395 4 32 return n;
396 - }
397 -
398 - /* Two-digit year? */
399 ##### 33,34 if (n == 2 && tm->tm_year < 0) {
400 ##### 35,36 if (num < 10 && tm->tm_mday >= 0) {
401 ##### 37 tm->tm_year = num + 100;
402 ##### 37 return n;
403 - }
404 ##### 38 if (num >= 70) {
405 ##### 39 tm->tm_year = num;
406 ##### 39 return n;
407 - }
408 - }
409 -
410 ##### 40-42 if (num > 0 && num < 13 && tm->tm_mon < 0)
411 ##### 43 tm->tm_mon = num-1;
412 -
413 ##### 44 return n;
414 - }
415 -
416 5 2 static size_t match_tz(const char *date, int *offp)
417 - {
418 - char *end;
419 5 2 int hour = strtoul(date + 1, &end, 10);
420 5 3 size_t n = end - (date + 1);
421 5 3 int min = 0;
422 -
423 5 3 if (n == 4) {
424 - /* hhmm */
425 5 4 min = hour % 100;
426 5 4 hour = hour / 100;
427 ##### 5 } else if (n != 2) {
428 ##### 6 min = 99; /* random stuff */
429 ##### 7 } else if (*end == ':') {
430 - /* hh:mm? */
431 ##### 8 min = strtoul(end + 1, &end, 10);
432 ##### 9 if (end - (date + 1) != 5)
433 ##### 10 min = 99; /* random stuff */
434 - } /* otherwise we parsed "hh" */
435 -
436 - /*
437 - * Don't accept any random stuff. Even though some places have
438 - * offset larger than 12 hours (e.g. Pacific/Kiritimati is at
439 - * UTC+14), there is something wrong if hour part is much
440 - * larger than that. We might also want to check that the
441 - * minutes are divisible by 15 or something too. (Offset of
442 - * Kathmandu, Nepal is UTC+5:45)
443 - */
444 5 11,12 if (min < 60 && hour < 24) {
445 5 13 int offset = hour * 60 + min;
446 5 13 if (*date == '-')
447 3 14 offset = -offset;
448 5 15 *offp = offset;
449 - }
450 5 16 return end - date;
451 - }
452 -
453 - /*
454 - * Parse a string like "0 +0000" as ancient timestamp near epoch, but
455 - * only when it appears not as part of any other string.
456 - */
457 ##### 2 static int match_object_header_date(const char *date, git_time_t *timestamp, int *offset)
458 - {
459 - char *end;
460 - unsigned long stamp;
461 - int ofs;
462 -
463 ##### 2,3 if (*date < '0' || '9' <= *date)
464 ##### 4 return -1;
465 ##### 5 stamp = strtoul(date, &end, 10);
466 ##### 6-9 if (*end != ' ' || stamp == ULONG_MAX || (end[1] != '+' && end[1] != '-'))
467 ##### 10 return -1;
468 ##### 11 date = end + 2;
469 ##### 11 ofs = strtol(date, &end, 10);
470 ##### 12-14 if ((*end != '\0' && (*end != '\n')) || end != date + 4)
471 ##### 15 return -1;
472 ##### 16 ofs = (ofs / 100) * 60 + (ofs % 100);
473 ##### 16 if (date[-1] == '-')
474 ##### 17 ofs = -ofs;
475 ##### 18 *timestamp = stamp;
476 ##### 18 *offset = ofs;
477 ##### 18 return 0;
478 - }
479 -
480 - /* Gr. strptime is crap for this; it doesn't have a way to require RFC2822
481 - (i.e. English) day/month names, and it doesn't work correctly with %z. */
482 12 2 static int parse_date_basic(const char *date, git_time_t *timestamp, int *offset)
483 - {
484 - struct tm tm;
485 - int tm_gmt;
486 - git_time_t dummy_timestamp;
487 - int dummy_offset;
488 -
489 12 2 if (!timestamp)
490 ##### 3 timestamp = &dummy_timestamp;
491 12 4 if (!offset)
492 ##### 5 offset = &dummy_offset;
493 -
494 12 6 memset(&tm, 0, sizeof(tm));
495 12 6 tm.tm_year = -1;
496 12 6 tm.tm_mon = -1;
497 12 6 tm.tm_mday = -1;
498 12 6 tm.tm_isdst = -1;
499 12 6 tm.tm_hour = -1;
500 12 6 tm.tm_min = -1;
501 12 6 tm.tm_sec = -1;
502 12 6 *offset = -1;
503 12 6 tm_gmt = 0;
504 -
505 12 6,8 if (*date == '@' &&
506 ##### 7 !match_object_header_date(date + 1, timestamp, offset))
507 ##### 9 return 0; /* success */
508 - for (;;) {
509 58 10 size_t match = 0;
510 58 10 unsigned char c = *date;
511 -
512 - /* Stop at end of string or newline */
513 58 10,11 if (!c || c == '\n')
514 - break;
515 -
516 46 12,13 if (isalpha(c))
517 7 14 match = match_alpha(date, &tm, offset);
518 39 15,16 else if (isdigit(c))
519 17 17 match = match_digit(date, &tm, offset, &tm_gmt);
520 22 18-21 else if ((c == '-' || c == '+') && isdigit(date[1]))
521 5 22 match = match_tz(date, offset);
522 -
523 46 23 if (!match) {
524 - /* BAD */
525 17 24 match = 1;
526 - }
527 -
528 46 25 date += match;
529 46 25 }
530 -
531 - /* mktime uses local timezone */
532 12 26 *timestamp = tm_to_time_t(&tm);
533 12 27 if (*offset == -1)
534 7 28,29 *offset = (int)((time_t)*timestamp - mktime(&tm)) / 60;
535 -
536 12 30 if (*timestamp == (git_time_t)-1)
537 7 31 return -1;
538 -
539 5 32 if (!tm_gmt)
540 5 33 *timestamp -= *offset * 60;
541 5 34 return 0; /* success */
542 - }
543 -
544 -
545 - /*
546 - * Relative time update (eg "2 days ago"). If we haven't set the time
547 - * yet, we need to set it from current time.
548 - */
549 11 2 static git_time_t update_tm(struct tm *tm, struct tm *now, unsigned long sec)
550 - {
551 - time_t n;
552 -
553 11 2 if (tm->tm_mday < 0)
554 4 3 tm->tm_mday = now->tm_mday;
555 11 4 if (tm->tm_mon < 0)
556 4 5 tm->tm_mon = now->tm_mon;
557 11 6 if (tm->tm_year < 0) {
558 4 7 tm->tm_year = now->tm_year;
559 4 7 if (tm->tm_mon > now->tm_mon)
560 ##### 8 tm->tm_year--;
561 - }
562 -
563 11 9 n = mktime(tm) - sec;
564 11 10 p_localtime_r(&n, tm);
565 11 11 return n;
566 - }
567 -
568 ##### 2 static void date_now(struct tm *tm, struct tm *now, int *num)
569 - {
570 - GIT_UNUSED(num);
571 ##### 2 update_tm(tm, now, 0);
572 ##### 3 }
573 -
574 ##### 2 static void date_yesterday(struct tm *tm, struct tm *now, int *num)
575 - {
576 - GIT_UNUSED(num);
577 ##### 2 update_tm(tm, now, 24*60*60);
578 ##### 3 }
579 -
580 ##### 2 static void date_time(struct tm *tm, struct tm *now, int hour)
581 - {
582 ##### 2 if (tm->tm_hour < hour)
583 ##### 3 date_yesterday(tm, now, NULL);
584 ##### 4 tm->tm_hour = hour;
585 ##### 4 tm->tm_min = 0;
586 ##### 4 tm->tm_sec = 0;
587 ##### 4 }
588 -
589 ##### 2 static void date_midnight(struct tm *tm, struct tm *now, int *num)
590 - {
591 - GIT_UNUSED(num);
592 ##### 2 date_time(tm, now, 0);
593 ##### 3 }
594 -
595 ##### 2 static void date_noon(struct tm *tm, struct tm *now, int *num)
596 - {
597 - GIT_UNUSED(num);
598 ##### 2 date_time(tm, now, 12);
599 ##### 3 }
600 -
601 ##### 2 static void date_tea(struct tm *tm, struct tm *now, int *num)
602 - {
603 - GIT_UNUSED(num);
604 ##### 2 date_time(tm, now, 17);
605 ##### 3 }
606 -
607 ##### 2 static void date_pm(struct tm *tm, struct tm *now, int *num)
608 - {
609 ##### 2 int hour, n = *num;
610 ##### 2 *num = 0;
611 - GIT_UNUSED(now);
612 -
613 ##### 2 hour = tm->tm_hour;
614 ##### 2 if (n) {
615 ##### 3 hour = n;
616 ##### 3 tm->tm_min = 0;
617 ##### 3 tm->tm_sec = 0;
618 - }
619 ##### 4 tm->tm_hour = (hour % 12) + 12;
620 ##### 4 }
621 -
622 ##### 2 static void date_am(struct tm *tm, struct tm *now, int *num)
623 - {
624 ##### 2 int hour, n = *num;
625 ##### 2 *num = 0;
626 - GIT_UNUSED(now);
627 -
628 ##### 2 hour = tm->tm_hour;
629 ##### 2 if (n) {
630 ##### 3 hour = n;
631 ##### 3 tm->tm_min = 0;
632 ##### 3 tm->tm_sec = 0;
633 - }
634 ##### 4 tm->tm_hour = (hour % 12);
635 ##### 4 }
636 -
637 ##### 2 static void date_never(struct tm *tm, struct tm *now, int *num)
638 - {
639 ##### 2 time_t n = 0;
640 - GIT_UNUSED(now);
641 - GIT_UNUSED(num);
642 ##### 2 p_localtime_r(&n, tm);
643 ##### 3 }
644 -
645 - static const struct special {
646 - const char *name;
647 - void (*fn)(struct tm *, struct tm *, int *);
648 - } special[] = {
649 - { "yesterday", date_yesterday },
650 - { "noon", date_noon },
651 - { "midnight", date_midnight },
652 - { "tea", date_tea },
653 - { "PM", date_pm },
654 - { "AM", date_am },
655 - { "never", date_never },
656 - { "now", date_now },
657 - { NULL }
658 - };
659 -
660 - static const char *number_name[] = {
661 - "zero", "one", "two", "three", "four",
662 - "five", "six", "seven", "eight", "nine", "ten",
663 - };
664 -
665 - static const struct typelen {
666 - const char *type;
667 - int length;
668 - } typelen[] = {
669 - { "seconds", 1 },
670 - { "minutes", 60 },
671 - { "hours", 60*60 },
672 - { "days", 24*60*60 },
673 - { "weeks", 7*24*60*60 },
674 - { NULL }
675 - };
676 -
677 7 2 static const char *approxidate_alpha(const char *date, struct tm *tm, struct tm *now, int *num, int *touched)
678 - {
679 - const struct typelen *tl;
680 - const struct special *s;
681 7 2 const char *end = date;
682 - int i;
683 -
684 30 2-4 while (isalpha(*++end))
685 - /* scan to non-alpha */;
686 -
687 91 5,9,10 for (i = 0; i < 12; i++) {
688 84 6 size_t match = match_string(date, month_names[i]);
689 84 7 if (match >= 3) {
690 ##### 8 tm->tm_mon = i;
691 ##### 8 *touched = 1;
692 ##### 8 return end;
693 - }
694 - }
695 -
696 63 11,16,17 for (s = special; s->name; s++) {
697 56 12 size_t len = strlen(s->name);
698 56 12,13 if (match_string(date, s->name) == len) {
699 ##### 14 s->fn(tm, now, num);
700 ##### 15 *touched = 1;
701 ##### 15 return end;
702 - }
703 - }
704 -
705 7 18 if (!*num) {
706 33 19,23,24 for (i = 1; i < 11; i++) {
707 30 20 size_t len = strlen(number_name[i]);
708 30 20,21 if (match_string(date, number_name[i]) == len) {
709 ##### 22 *num = i;
710 ##### 22 *touched = 1;
711 ##### 22 return end;
712 - }
713 - }
714 3 25,26 if (match_string(date, "last") == 4) {
715 ##### 27 *num = 1;
716 ##### 27 *touched = 1;
717 - }
718 3 28 return end;
719 - }
720 -
721 4 29 tl = typelen;
722 12 29,35 while (tl->type) {
723 11 30 size_t len = strlen(tl->type);
724 11 30,31 if (match_string(date, tl->type) >= len-1) {
725 3 32 update_tm(tm, now, tl->length * *num);
726 3 33 *num = 0;
727 3 33 *touched = 1;
728 3 33 return end;
729 - }
730 8 34 tl++;
731 - }
732 -
733 8 36,43,44 for (i = 0; i < 7; i++) {
734 7 37 size_t match = match_string(date, weekday_names[i]);
735 7 38 if (match >= 3) {
736 ##### 39 int diff, n = *num -1;
737 ##### 39 *num = 0;
738 -
739 ##### 39 diff = tm->tm_wday - i;
740 ##### 39 if (diff <= 0)
741 ##### 40 n++;
742 ##### 41 diff += 7*n;
743 -
744 ##### 41 update_tm(tm, now, diff * 24 * 60 * 60);
745 ##### 42 *touched = 1;
746 ##### 42 return end;
747 - }
748 - }
749 -
750 1 45,46 if (match_string(date, "months") >= 5) {
751 - int n;
752 ##### 47 update_tm(tm, now, 0); /* fill in date fields if needed */
753 ##### 48 n = tm->tm_mon - *num;
754 ##### 48 *num = 0;
755 ##### 48,50 while (n < 0) {
756 ##### 49 n += 12;
757 ##### 49 tm->tm_year--;
758 - }
759 ##### 51 tm->tm_mon = n;
760 ##### 51 *touched = 1;
761 ##### 51 return end;
762 - }
763 -
764 1 52,53 if (match_string(date, "years") >= 4) {
765 1 54 update_tm(tm, now, 0); /* fill in date fields if needed */
766 1 55 tm->tm_year -= *num;
767 1 55 *num = 0;
768 1 55 *touched = 1;
769 1 55 return end;
770 - }
771 -
772 ##### 56 return end;
773 - }
774 -
775 9 2 static const char *approxidate_digit(const char *date, struct tm *tm, int *num)
776 - {
777 - char *end;
778 9 2 unsigned long number = strtoul(date, &end, 10);
779 -
780 9 3 switch (*end) {
781 - case ':':
782 - case '.':
783 - case '/':
784 - case '-':
785 5 4,5 if (isdigit(end[1])) {
786 5 6 size_t match = match_multi_number(number, *end, date, end, tm);
787 5 7 if (match)
788 3 8 return date + match;
789 - }
790 - }
791 -
792 - /* Accept zero-padding only for small numbers ("Dec 02", never "Dec 0002") */
793 6 9,10 if (date[0] != '0' || end - date <= 2)
794 6 11 *num = number;
795 6 12 return end;
796 - }
797 -
798 - /*
799 - * Do we have a pending number at the end, or when
800 - * we see a new one? Let's assume it's a month day,
801 - * as in "Dec 6, 1992"
802 - */
803 16 2 static void pending_number(struct tm *tm, int *num)
804 - {
805 16 2 int number = *num;
806 -
807 16 2 if (number) {
808 2 3 *num = 0;
809 2 3,4 if (tm->tm_mday < 0 && number < 32)
810 ##### 5 tm->tm_mday = number;
811 2 6,7 else if (tm->tm_mon < 0 && number < 13)
812 ##### 8 tm->tm_mon = number-1;
813 2 9 else if (tm->tm_year < 0) {
814 2 10,11 if (number > 1969 && number < 2100)
815 2 12 tm->tm_year = number - 1900;
816 ##### 13,14 else if (number > 69 && number < 100)
817 ##### 15 tm->tm_year = number;
818 ##### 16 else if (number < 38)
819 ##### 17 tm->tm_year = 100 + number;
820 - /* We mess up for number = 00 ? */
821 - }
822 - }
823 16 18 }
824 -
825 7 2 static git_time_t approxidate_str(const char *date,
826 - time_t time_sec,
827 - int *error_ret)
828 - {
829 7 2 int number = 0;
830 7 2 int touched = 0;
831 7 2 struct tm tm = {0}, now;
832 -
833 7 2 p_localtime_r(&time_sec, &tm);
834 7 3 now = tm;
835 -
836 7 3 tm.tm_year = -1;
837 7 3 tm.tm_mon = -1;
838 7 3 tm.tm_mday = -1;
839 -
840 - for (;;) {
841 32 4 unsigned char c = *date;
842 32 4 if (!c)
843 7 5 break;
844 25 6 date++;
845 25 6,7 if (isdigit(c)) {
846 9 8 pending_number(&tm, &number);
847 9 9 date = approxidate_digit(date-1, &tm, &number);
848 9 10 touched = 1;
849 9 10 continue;
850 - }
851 16 11,12 if (isalpha(c))
852 7 13 date = approxidate_alpha(date-1, &tm, &now, &number, &touched);
853 25 14 }
854 7 15 pending_number(&tm, &number);
855 7 16 if (!touched)
856 ##### 17 *error_ret = 1;
857 7 18 return update_tm(&tm, &now, 0);
858 - }
859 -
860 12 2 int git__date_parse(git_time_t *out, const char *date)
861 - {
862 - time_t time_sec;
863 - git_time_t timestamp;
864 12 2 int offset, error_ret=0;
865 -
866 12 2,3 if (!parse_date_basic(date, &timestamp, &offset)) {
867 5 4 *out = timestamp;
868 5 4 return 0;
869 - }
870 -
871 7 5,6 if (time(&time_sec) == -1)
872 ##### 7 return -1;
873 -
874 7 8 *out = approxidate_str(date, time_sec, &error_ret);
875 7 9 return error_ret;
876 - }
877 -
878 20 2 int git__date_rfc2822_fmt(char *out, size_t len, const git_time *date)
879 - {
880 - int written;
881 - struct tm gmt;
882 - time_t t;
883 -
884 20 2-4 assert(out && date);
885 -
886 20 5 t = (time_t) (date->time + date->offset * 60);
887 -
888 20 5,6 if (p_gmtime_r (&t, &gmt) == NULL)
889 ##### 7 return -1;
890 -
891 20 8,8,8,8,8 written = p_snprintf(out, len, "%.3s, %u %.3s %.4u %02u:%02u:%02u %+03d%02d",
892 20 8 weekday_names[gmt.tm_wday],
893 - gmt.tm_mday,
894 20 8 month_names[gmt.tm_mon],
895 20 8 gmt.tm_year + 1900,
896 - gmt.tm_hour, gmt.tm_min, gmt.tm_sec,
897 20 8,8 date->offset / 60, date->offset % 60);
898 -
899 20 8,9 if (written < 0 || (written > (int) len - 1))
900 1 10 return -1;
901 -
902 19 11 return 0;
903 - }
904 -